
The time to act is now. The call to action published this week in The Lancet by the heads of FAO, UNICEF, WFP and WHO urge for a concerted action to protect child nutrition during COVID-19. In the absence of timely action, an additional 6.7 million children could suffer from wasting during the first year of the pandemic, leading to an estimated 10,000 additional child deaths per month during this same period. 

To support national health systems to deal with this unprecedented crisis and ensure the continuity of lifesaving nutrition services, we are pleased to announce the release of the joint UNICEF-WHO Implementation Guidance for the Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment of Wasting in Children 0-59 Months Through National Health Systems in the Context of COVID-19.

This guidance consolidates existing recommendations for the delivery of prevention and treatment services for child wasting, whilst introducing simplified approaches needed to address the disruptions faced by health systems across the world. In developing this joint implementation guidance, UNICEF and WHO aim to provide a clear and common vision to guide the efforts of our agencies and our partners at this critical moment.


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