
A key tool in the coordination is communicating and analyzing the geography of the situation; the Global Nutrition Cluster release several map templates that we think would greatly enhance your communication, advocacy, and decision-making abilities.

Nutrition Cluster dashboards objective is to provide a visual snapshot of the emergency response progress against strategic indicators, as well as main response gaps. They present analyzed data from recent monitoring results, especially from 4/5 W or partners reporting tool. Dashboards are produced on a weekly or monthly basis, usually following the cycle of 4/5 W submission by partners. They are shared with all actors and published on the Humanitarian Response . Sector dashboards are compiled by OCHA to produce an overall response dashboard. 

Moreover, two maps have been designed by working with CDC and GNC-CT

 SAM in Need for treatment vs. SAM Admitted (Non-Cumulative)  : The aim of this map is to compare estimations for cases in need for  SAM treatment to existing cases enrolled for SAM treatment  at district level . It seeks to identify districts where OTPs and SCs can anticipate an increase in admissions (and therefore require increased resources), on the basis of recent SMART survey data. Given that the SMART survey data utilised is cross-sectional, presenting a snapshot of needs at a particular moment in time, this map has a short shelf-life and should be published within a month of a SMART survey occurring.

Progress towards annual SAM treatment targets: This map aims to compare cumulative admissions, over the course of a year, to annual cluster targets,at the district level. The map seeks to determine which districts are on track to meet their annual targets and which districts require increased resources and support to scale-up the coverage of CMAM activities to meet needs.

You can find all templates here (PDF and Adobe Illustrator ): https://www.nutritioncluster.net/resource_NC_Map_templates



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