
We are happy to share with you that the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies IYCF-E checklist is now available and will be piloted for the first time in Yemen and Pakistan.

The nutrition in emergencies checklist is a tool designed to help nutrition country clusters review and reflect on the service delivery aspect of the response. The checklist is organized by nutrition in emergency themes, the four main themes are Part I. Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies, Part II. Acute Malnutrition Management, Part III. Nutrition Information Systems and Part IV. Micronutrients Supplementation. Currently, only part I on IYCF-E is completed.

The checklist is meant to be used at least once a year by the nutrition cluster coordination country team – or any in-country nutrition in emergency mechanism- supported by in country Technical Working Group (TWG).

The purpose of this checklist is to help assess the quality of the service delivery aspect of the nutrition response before, during and/or after a crisis. A workplan can then be put together in country to address the gaps flagged by this exercise.

I would also like to thank those among the IFE core group members, Tech RRT, Nutrition Cluster Coordinators and colleagues who agreed to review it namely Christine Fernandez, Yasir Arafat, Koki Kyalo, Emily Hirata, Simon Karanja, Abigael Nyukuri, Alessandro Iellamo, and Victoria Sauveplane Stirling. Although it was not possible to incorporate all feedback received, their contribution greatly enhanced the checklist. ‘




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