
GTAM Quarterly Digest Jan - Mar 2020 provides an update on GTAM activities for the January to March 2020 period. 

During the first quarter of 2020, the GTAM Core Team (GTAM-CT) continued to refine ways of working within the different elements of the mechanism, particularly in relation to communication with the Global Thematic Working Groups (GTWGs), who are looked to for direction on technical questions falling outside existing guidance.

A process of reviewing the GTAM-CT Standard Operating Procedures began that aimed to solidify roles and responsibilities within the core team and for the GTAM as a whole.

A face-to-face meeting with the GTAM-CT in February further helped galvanise work within the GTAM, serving as an opportunity to finalise workplans, and focused specifically on progressing the development of the GTAM website. The GTAM-CT aimed to launch the GTAM website towards the end of the second quarter of the year and was able to make the GTAM website live in the first week of June. The website will serve as an easy-touse platform where countries and nutrition practitioners can request technical advice when facing a technical question related to nutrition in emergencies (NiE) and onsite support in the form of remote support or advisors supporting directly in-country. During the quarter, the GTAM was called on to rapidly mobilise and organise relevant actors to respond to demands for technical support relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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