
A lot went on in Quarter Three of this year at the GNC Technical Alliance. Some of the highlights include:

- Receiving and responding to 138 requests for technical support. In Quarter three the Alliance saw an increase in support for the NiS programming coming through, as well as more requests from South Asia and the East Asia/Asia Pacific regions.

- Our Disability workstream produced 2 guidance documents including

- Disability FAQ document/HRP review guidance and Tip sheet

- 2 webinars on GVB risk mitigation in nutrition and inclusion in the HRP took place. You can catch up on the recordings here

- 3 new pieces of interim guidance were developed by GTWGs:

      - MUAC vs. WFH – A brief overview of the debate

      - Guidance on Nuclear Radiation

      - and IFE Promising practices in CVA for Nutrition report

You can find out more about what the Alliance did between July and September 2022 by reading the GNC Technical Alliance Quarter 3 2022 Monitoring Report | Global Nutrition Cluster



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