
The GNC launched its Strategy for 2022-2025 at an online event attended by over 70 stakeholders (the event recording is available here). The new Strategy is the result of a collaborative process in Visioning the Future for the GNC – and sets out strategic objectives and plans for the next four years. 

The GNC's focus is now on:
    •    support for both coordination and programming for Nutrition in Emergencies, through provision of technical support from the GNC Technical Alliance;
    •    support for both cluster and sectoral coordination mechanisms; 
    •    additional support phase – preparedness for humanitarian crises 
    •    increased support for national and subnational coordination platforms and partners ; and  
    •    maximising support for national, regional and global platforms

We have three new strategic objectives (People; Operational & Technical Support; Enabling Environment) – and new plans and structures in place to make these happen. Thanks to all our partners for collaborating in this exciting phase of work for the GNC!


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