
Global Humanitarian Response Plan: Financial update

The Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) for COVID-19 launched on 25 March seeks $2.01 billion over a period of nine months (April – December). The plan is a joint effort by members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), including UN, other international organizations and NGO consortiums.

The GHRP is one of the pillars of the global response to COVID-19, focusing on the humanitarian health and multi-sectoral humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable people in countries already facing a humanitarian or refugee crisis, or with high levels of vulnerability. The GHRP complements other plans – such as the WHO Strategic Response and Preparedness Plan (SPRP) – that focuses on global health response and the countries not included in the GHRP. Other frameworks, notably the UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19, support social and economic recovery beyond the immediate health crisis.

The May update of the GHRP will be released on 7 May and will include more detailed needs for the current set of countries, as well as requirements for a set of additional countries. Humanitarian Country Teams, Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups and Clusters have worked together to update their operations and activities, reprogramming whenever possible, identifying new requirements to respond to the consequences of COVID-19, and preparing for possible outbreaks. The GHRP will be updated on a periodic basis.

As of the end of April, funding of more than $880 million had been reported for the activities of the GHRP, with additional donor announcements also made, but not yet reported. This is almost $280 million more than the amount that had been reported ($602 million) in the first GHRP information update on 20 April. Coverage of the GHRP’s initial requirements of $2.01 billion has risen from 30% to 44% over the past 10 days. An additional $608 million of non-GRHP funding has been reported, bringing the grand total for the COVID-19 response to $1.50 billion. The non-GHRP funding is either for activities or countries that are either not in the plan (e.g. for the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement Appeal) or for which details on activities or countries have not yet been reported.

For the latest figures on GHRP funding and other coordinated response plan funding, please visit the Financial Tracking Service (FTS).



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