
Message from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to all Permanent and Observer Missions and other International Organizations in New York and Geneva 

We would like to share the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) May Update, launched today, along with several related documents. You may find the video recording of the virtual launch here.

This first update of the GHRP calls for an additional US$4.7 billion for COVID-19 humanitarian response in 63 countries, raising the total GHRP appeal to US$6.7 billion. To date, almost $1 billion has been generously raised for the plan. 

The plan prioritizes the needs of people in countries with ongoing humanitarian crises, or in countries with high risk due to heightened vulnerability, and/or low response capacity. Data and analysis conducted since the release of the GHRP in late March confirm the anticipated humanitarian impact of the pandemic on the health and socioeconomic conditions of vulnerable groups. The update includes specific metrics to ensure that the most vulnerable, such as people with disabilities or women and girls, are prioritized. It also includes programming to respond to projected rapid growth in food insecurity.

 The GHRP is the product of extensive in-country consultations and reflects real-time needs, with country and regional plans included. It brings together the financial requirements for UN Agencies and NGOs. The update also includes an overview of achievements since the first launch six weeks ago, thanks to the generous support of donors and the tireless efforts of partners on the ground.

 The updated GHRP is available at this link. The accompanying annexes with specific information on country and regional plans and progress are available at this link

 An abridged version of the GHRP, including an at-a-glance overview, is available at this link. Kindly note that this document will also be circulated in Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish shortly.

Finally we are pleased to share an overview of UN’s multilateral response to COVID-19 that outlines how the GHRP, the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, and the UN Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 related to and complement each other. The document is available at this link.


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