
The Global Nutrition Cluster in partnership with RedR and with funding from UNICEF has developed competency frameworks for Nutrition Cluster Coordination and Information Management. Each framework has twenty-one competencies in total that are arranged into four groups:

  1. Sectoral competencies: these are competencies that relate to the sector which in this framework is Nutrition in Emergencies. These competencies may be shared with others working in NiE roles and include competencies that require the application of humanitarian principles and concepts, the application of Nutrition in Emergencies concepts and the application of safety and security concepts;
  2. Common competencies: these competencies define the proficiencies required for working effectively in a cluster and are common to all of those who work in a Nutrition Cluster at national and sub-national level;
  3. Functional competencies: these competencies relate to the tasks or functions of a specific role or group of related roles. In this framework, these competencies define the proficiencies required by those who are Cluster Coordinators;
  4. Core behavioural competencies: these competencies are behavioural competencies that support the organisational values and mission. They apply to everyone in an organisation and form a foundation for the common, functional and sectoral competencies.  

Each of the competencies has a definition, behaviours and underlying knowledge and skills. The behaviours are listed at three cumulative levels. All colleagues are expected to demonstrate the level 1 behaviours. With experience and career progression, as colleagues take on posts with increasing responsibility, they will be expected to begin to demonstrate behaviours at level 2 and level 3 in addition to the level 1 behaviours.

The Global Nutrition Cluster Competency Framework for Cluster Coordination and a Competency Framework for Information Management share the same sectoral competencies, common behavioural competencies and core behavioural competencies although the behaviours, knowledge and skills for these competencies that are listed in each framework differ to reflect the specific requirements of the role. The functional competencies in each framework are different to reflect the different roles.

Cluster Coordination Competencies

A. Sectoral Competencies

B. Common Behavioural Competencies

  1. Applies humanitarian principles, standards and guidelines
  2. Applies key Nutrition in Emergencies concepts and tools
  3. Operates safely and securely


  1. Demonstrates commitment to a coordinated response
  2. Promotes cooperation and collaboration
  3. Demonstrates accountability
  4. Promotes inclusion 

C. Functional Competencies

D. Core Behavioural Competencies

  1. Provides influential and strategic leadership
  2. Analyses and communicates information
  3. Supports resource mobilisation
  4. Advocates for improved nutritional outcomes
  5. Monitors the response
  6. Strengthens national capacity to respond and lead


  1. Builds and maintains partnerships
  2. Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness
  3. Drive to achieve results for impact
  4. Innovates and embraces change
  5. Manages ambiguity and complexity
  6. Thinks and acts strategically
  7. Works collaboratively with others
  8. Nurtures, leads and manages people


Information Management Competencies

A. Sectoral Competencies

B. Common Behavioural Competencies

  1. Applies humanitarian principles, standards and guidelines
  2. Applies key Nutrition in Emergencies concepts and tools
  3. Operates safely and securely


  1. Demonstrates commitment to a coordinated response
  2. Promotes cooperation and collaboration
  3. Demonstrates accountability 
  4. Promotes inclusion

C. Functional Competencies

D. Core Behavioural Competencies

  1. Provides reliable support to the cluster
  2. Collects relevant data
  3. Handles, stores and manages data efficiently and sensitively
  4. Communicates relevant data
  5. Monitors the response
  6. Strengthens national capacity to respond and lead
  1. Builds and maintains partnerships
  2. Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness
  3. Drive to achieve results for impact
  4. Innovates and embraces change
  5. Manages ambiguity and complexity
  6. Thinks and acts strategically
  7. Works collaboratively with others
  8. Nurtures, leads and manages people

The frameworks will be used to update the generic job description for roles in cluster coordination teams and as a basis of the GNC Capacity Development Framework.


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