
Digital & Web Accessibility 

Monday, 8 February

Recording and PPT

In this webinar, we examined the importance of digital accessibility, with a focus on web accessibility. We defined the concept of digital accessibility and why it’s important to ensure that all web content is digitally inclusive of all audiences.  The webinar also featured a UNICEF colleague who talked about his experience using the web as a person who is blind. We explored: 

  • The importance of digital accessibility
  • The relationship between web accessibility and Drupal 
  • UNICEF’S web accessibility guidelines 
  • Best practices to ensure that Drupal content is inclusive (guidelines on alt-text, hyperlinking, adding appropriate headings, etc.) 

 For further information, you may also be interested in the following resources:

Presenters: Kristen Elsby (DOC/SPFS kelsby@unicef.org), Fernando Henrique Botelho (PD Disability Team fbotelho@unicef.org), Anna Burlyaeva (PD Disability Team aburlyaeva@unicef.org), Jedd Flanscha (DOC/DSS jflanscha@unicef.org), Shirin Kiani (DHR Disability & Inclusion Team skiani@unicef.org), Liyuan Xiao (DOC/DSS lxiao@unicef.org)  

Contact: Kristen Elsby (kelsby@unicef.org)


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