
The GNC Technical Alliance is looking for humanitarian practitioners interested in attending a virtual training on coaching skills for improved supportive supervision of CMAM programs. The training will aim to build capacity in on-the-job coaching as a key strategy for improved capacity strengthening.  

Did you know that health workers feel more motivated when they receive regular, good quality, supervision visits on-site in health centres[1]?  This in turn leads to better quality work. Yet, while investments are made in technical training, coaching skills are often overlooked.

The International Coaching Federation[2] defines coaching as “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” In nutrition programs, coaching entails the teaching of skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary for health workers to perform a specific job within their work environment. Coaching can be used to complement the routine supervision that is done in many programs. Benefits of coaching to programs and staff include skills enhancement, increased productivity among the staff and improved performance outputs, in addition to being economical. On-the-job coaching is critical for effective supervision.

In 2019, a coaching skills training was carried out for Concern Worldwide staff in Ethiopia by the current Technical Support Team of the GNC Technical Alliance[3]. A post-training and support assessment was done to evaluate whether the training had had any impact on the staff and programs. The managers, field supervisors and the health workers mentioned having seen positive change follow the training. Some of the changes mentioned included; an improvement in frequency of supervision, sharing of information, teamwork in finding challenges and solutions, developing action plans together, availing more time to clarify any issues/concerns and improved communication skills.

The GNC Technical Alliance invites anyone implementing CMAM programmes or those who plan to, to register for the online training in coaching skills for CMAM implementation!


Training objective: The objectives of the training is to provide practitioners with information and knowledge to improve supportive supervision for better quality CMAM programs. Participants will be able to understand the concepts of coaching, the 4-step coaching process, key skills for effective coaching and learn from other participants’ experiences.

Modality of training: the training will be offered virtually. Training will be carried out in a series of 1.5 hour-long webinars over 3 days. The webinars will be offered in English and French.

Target Audience: anyone involved in the implementation of CMAM programmes. Including front line health workers, program managers and coordinators at field and HQ levels. Participants from local or national organisations, or government, are especially encouraged to apply.

When: the training will take place in July - specific dates and cohorts will depend on who registers.

Registration: To register your interest please fill out the  Pre-registration questionnaire for virtual training in CMAM coaching skills.

Registration Deadline: Sunday 13th June 2021. Spaces are limited so register your interest today.

For any questions, please contact Martha Nakakande at:


Photo credit: UNICEF Roger LeMoyne

Disclaimer: This documentary image depicts the realities of the current situation. Physical distancing and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, portrayed in this image may not necessarily align with current WHO guidance on COVID-19.

[1] Several studies e.g a) focuses more on community health workers. b) Bailey C, Blake C, Schriver M, et al. A systematic review of supportive supervision as a strategy to improve primary healthcare services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Int J Gynaecol Obstet2016;132:117–25.doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.10.004. h


[3] At the time, this was the Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT)


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