
The IFE Core Group, GNC Technical Alliance (formerly the GTAM), UNICEF, WFP, Save the Children, Tech RRT and USAID Advancing Nutrition are glad to invite you all to participate in another learning and sharing “café” that will provide an opportunity for nutrition practitioners to share their lessons learned and experiences in IYCF programmes to the COVID-19 context. 

The Fifth Sharing Café will take place on Monday 30th November 2020 (14.00-15.30 Geneva time). Case Studies will be presented from South Sudan (ACF), Yemen (IMC) and Greece (Cheering).

Register Here.

The webinar will be in english with French, Spanish and Arabic translation.

Le Cinquième Café de Partage aura lieu le lundi 30 novembre 2020. Des études de cas seront présentées pour le Sud Soudan (ACF), le Yemen (IMC) et la Grèce (Cheering).

El Café de aprendizaje tendrá lugar el lunes 30 de noviembre 2020. Se presentarán estudios de casos de Sudan del Sur (ACF), Yemen (IMC) y Grecia (Cheering)


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