
Coming soon!

The GNC Technical Alliance and IFE Core Group is planning to conduct Webinar: 

“Communicating IFE during an emergency

 Infant Feeding in Emergencies and the role of Media: Getting the right message across’’


The IFE Core Group is currently collecting examples of communication and/or media initiatives that are related to Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies. We are seeking suggestions, recommendations, and tested experiences from colleagues working in humanitarian emergencies/crises and fragile contexts who have experienced or have observed how communication and media are used in relation to infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E). 

Media and communication colleagues have a great role in raising attention and awareness around the needs and concerns of populations affected by emergencies. To provide your inputs please fill in the questionnaire in the link below.

Please complete the questionnaire:

In English here!

In Spanish here!

In French here!

In Arabic here!

 Have questions? Email us at: ife@ennonline.net 

 We look forward to seeing you on our webinar!   

Photo Credit: IFE Core Group


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