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22 JUNE  |  15:00 - 15:50 CEST   09:00 - 09:50 EDT

Emergency Response Preparedness: GNC roll out and experiences from the field (with country insights from Myanmar)

In 2015, the Inter- Agency Standing Committee (IASC) developed the Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) Approach to improve the humanitarian system's readiness to respond to breaking crises and to increase the delivery of life-saving assistance in the first 4-6 weeks of an emergency. The GNC has identified a need to better support country coordination teams with preparedness and developed a series of tools for this purpose. This interactive event discussed ERP approach theory, the GNC’s ERP 2021 rollout plan, support available from the GNC and country-level next steps, including ERP examples in a variety of contexts; and will act as a forum for an open dialogue on how to better address ERP.

Session Agenda

1. Introduction to the ERP Approach, update on 2021 GNC ERP rollout plan, and support available from the GNC

2. Use of the online tools and dashboards

3. Country experience – insights from Myanmar

4. Q&A


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