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24 JUNE  |  14:00 - 14:50 CEST   08:00 - 08:50 EDT

Cash and Voucher assistance: Designing CVA programmes to contribute to nutrition outcomes

This session aimed to raise awareness of the guidance, resources and support available for using cash as a modality for nutrition programming, with a focus on the GNC Guidance note of the use of CVA in emergencies and the launch of a new CVA Working Group to promote knowledge sharing with regional and country networks. The CVA WG will use session findings to identify key gaps and topics of interest for its quarterly workshops, which aim to strengthen capacity in CVA for nutrition outcome programming and for informing the workplan for the CVA GTWG.

Session Agenda

1. Introduction to the Nutrition-CVA Working Group  
- Interactive session (Mentimeter) on participants experience with CVA and expectations
2. Update on the level of evidence on the impact of CVA on Nutrition outcome & Current guidance and other main tools
3. Current initiatives/ Global TWG workplan
- CVA & Nutrition: global and regional initiatives
- Presentation of the TWG Workplan and priorities)
3: Plenary discussion. The use of CVA & Nutrition: challenges & existing opportunities

[Facilitated interactive discussion on MIRO board]


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