

Thank you for joining the call on the 31st of March on “a new tool: the nutrition in emergencies IYCF-E checklist”. An agenda item on IYCF programming in COVID19 context was included and covered via this webinar. Kindly find a number of documents as promised:


  1. The IYCF programming in the context of COVID19 technical brief– with the new GNC logo this time.
  2. The Template for Joint Statement on Infant and Young Child Feeding in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. The IYCF-E checklist *note an addition of an infectious disease section including COVID19 is planned in the next week*
  4. The power point slides used for this webinar- attached to this email
  5. Brief notes for this webinar covering the discussion and action points – attached to this email.


If you were not able to attend, want to listen again to the webinar or if you want to share with other team members who might benefit, kindly find here the link to the call recording.


As mentioned during the call, the Technical Rapid Response Team (TechRRT) are organizing a webinar on the 6th of April on “protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during the COVID19 pandemic- reflections and recommendations”. You can register on this link to join the call.


A technical brief was also released on Wasting Programming on COVID19 . A webinar is planned for the 9th of April in this regard, details will be shared at a later date.


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