
GNC Support Dashboard

Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) support dashboard is an information management tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays key performance indicators regarding GNC operational support to countries. It is real-time monitoring of both direct and indirect support. It's user-friendly with regional filter options and several pages for easy navigation. The summary table provides a list of GNC priority countries and an overview of the different types of support that GNC-CT provides.

Direct support is divided into six categories:

  • Help desks for one on one support to countries
  • Regional and country calls on coordination and nutrition in emergency technical matters
  • Webinars on coordination and nutrition in emergency technical matters
  • Experienced Cluster Coordinators and IMOs providing mentoring to new and less experienced mentees
  • In-country and remote deployment of RRTs and Standby partner experts
  • Remote delivery of training packages due to COVID-19

The GNC website is a wealth of information and utilizing the online guidance and tools is considered indirect support. The Web-Analytic page provides information on how the GNC website is performing in terms of number of visitors, their location, what they are looking for and showing how much of traffic is coming from each channel.

To access the analysis, please enter full screen mode


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