
Over the last few years, calls for humanitarian agencies and donors to be ‘as local as possible, and as international as necessary’ have dominated dialogue within the humanitarian space, with discourse on how this aim can be achieved. Despite efforts towards this, Local and National Actors (LNAs) access to and participation, representation, and leadership in the humanitarian coordination system remains varied and limited. The advantages and gains of cluster coordination that is meaningfully inclusive of LNAs cannot be overemphasized and it is therefore important that cluster coordination mechanisms support strategic efforts on localisation.

The session will focus on:
1. The launch of the GNC 2024-2025 localisation roadmap
2. Sharing localisation good practices, challenges, and lessons learnt in promoting localisation in nutrition clusters

This event will take place (virtually) on 30 April, 2024 from 11:00-12:30 (UTC+1/ Geneva time) and is part of the wider Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week that will be held in hybrid format from 29 April - 10 May. The in person portion of this event will be held during the second week (6 to 10 May) at the CICG in Geneva.

Speakers have yet to be identified but will include a representative from the GNC, National level cluster, and a Local and National Actor. This session will be conducted in English with translation available in French, Arabic, Spanish, and Swahili.


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